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5 Herbal Tea Infusions to Keep Winter Sickness at Bay |

A warm bed and a cup of hot coffee are what makes winters a favorite flavor for many of us. Sadly, this flavor also brings along nasal congestion, cold, flu, headaches, and constant lethargy.

However, if you were to go co-ordinate to the famous saying, 'Prevention is amend than cure,' you lot tin can really enjoy your favorite season without gulping downloads of pills and syrups. Taking precautions and extra care of yourself volition help you stay healthy throughout the flavor, and the all-time mode to go well-nigh it is by consuming herbal tea infusions.

Herbal tea infusions are a natural mode of strengthening the allowed organization. Making tea infusions is simple and uses the fragile parts of the plants like the flowers, leaves and other aromatic parts. (Gladstar, 2012)

We can besides use fruits and herbs to make tea infusions. Withal, it's important that you lot steep them in boiling water instead of cooking them because they lose their medicinal properties if cooked.

Sipping a hot cup of herbal fruit tea (Five Reasons Y'all Should Have Herbal Fruit Tea in Breakfast, 2017) is soothing and provides you with the additional benefit of aromatic therapy. The sweet fragrances of herbs and fruit infusions make the healing process more relaxing and enjoyable. Moreover, hot beverages like coffee, soup, and herbal tea infusions provide you with the much-needed warmth in the wintertime.

Herbal tea infusions tin salve and prevent the symptoms of common winter ailments; withal, they cannot cure them completely. Consult with your medico for full diagnosis and treatment. The effect of these tea infusions varies from person to person and depend on the severity of your condition. Hither is a list of five tea infusions to keep sickness at bay this winter:

i Basic cold and flu tea

This tea infusion relieves the symptoms of common cold and flu during the winter season. Regular consumption of this tea may irritate your stomach; therefore, adjust the quantity of garlic accordingly.


  • 3-4 slices of fresh ginger with skin
  • One clove chopped garlic
  • Cayenne pulverisation
  • Black/ dark-green/ oolong/ herbal tea
  • Honey to taste
  • Milk/milk culling (optional)


  • Boil ginger and garlic in h2o for 20 minutes
  • Utilize this ginger and garlic concoction to steep your tea
  • Add cayenne powder and honey to taste (add together maximum amount of cayenne pulverisation to induce sweating)
  • Add milk or dairy alternative(optional)

Potable iii to four cups of this infusion daily until the symptoms disappear. Especially, swallow information technology before going to bed.

2 Flu-fighting tea

Flu Fighting Tea is ideal for fever, aches, cough, or a sore throat. It is a natural alternative for all the stiff pharmaceutical chemicals available in the market place (Hale)


  • 3 to four slices of fresh ginger roots (utilize thin slices)
  • three tablespoons fresh organic lemon juice
  • ii tablespoons raw organic dear
  • ½ teaspoon organic ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon organic footing clove
  • Cayenne pepper to taste


  • Steep the sliced ginger in a boiling loving cup of h2o
  • Add together lemon juice, honey, and spices and stir well. (The tea will be cloudy)
  • You may strain the tea through cheesecloth to remove the footing spices and ginger

3 Berry and blossom spice tea

This herbal fruit infusion is an immune boosting tea that makes your body less prone to falling sick and getting nether the atmospheric condition. This tea is a combination of different herbs, fruits, and spices. (Justis, 2017)


  • 1tsp elderberry berries(stale)
  • 1tsp holy basil leaves (stale)
  • 1tsp calendula flowers (dried)
  • 1tsp rose petals (dried)
  • 1tsp cinnamon chips or 1 cinnamon stick
  • ½ tsp stale ginger root or half an inch chopped fresh ginger root
  • 12 ounces boiling h2o


  • Put all ingredients in a vessel, cascade boiling water and encompass information technology
  • Steep for fifteen to 30 minutes
  • Strain and add honey if desired

The herbs and fruits used in this infusion assist the natural defense mechanism of the body to fight against viral infections and diseases. These herbs accept immune strengthening backdrop and hence, keep you healthy and your body strong throughout the winter season.

4 Minty ginger tea

This spicy tea blend (Justis, 2017) keeps your digestive organization in proper order and keeps y'all healthy. A good digestive circulation maintains full general health and ensures transfer of nutrients throughout the body. Our gut and immunity are inter-continued. A good for you digestive organization prevents many diseases.

This recipe makes approximately 4 cups of tea that you tin can sip throughout the day:


  • ii to 3-inch fresh ginger root (chopped roughly)
  • 1 tbsp. peppermint or spearmint leaves
  • 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers petals
  • one quart along with ¼ loving cup water


  • Add water and ginger root in a pot and simmer it over medium-high heat
  • Reduce the heat, cover and let it simmer for twenty to 30 minutes
  • Remove from heat and add the mint
  • Steep for 10 to 15 minutes
  • Now add together chamomile and let it sit for four – 8 minutes(The chamomile will become bitter with longer steeping times, hence, steep till the desired gustatory modality)
  • Strain the tea and add beloved

5 Sore throat tea

Blocked sinuses and a sore pharynx are the most mutual winter sickness. This tea is beneficial for soothing a sore throat and helps in opening upwards sinuses.


  • ane part sage leaf
  • ½ part licorice root or slippery elm
  • ¼ part cinnamon chips
  • ¼ part ginger root
  • Lemon (optional)
  • Honey (optional)


  • Add together all the ingredients in a loving cup and steep it in hot humid water for x-15 minutes
  • Add lemon and love to taste

An addition of a warm cup of herbal tea infusion in your daily nutrition tin can drastically decrease the frequency and duration of yous falling sick during the winter flavor. All these infusions are not only healthy and medicinally effective, merely they are a treat for your taste buds besides!

 Article Correspondent

ABOUT Alycia Gordan

Alycia Gordan is a freelance writer who loves to read and write articles on healthcare engineering science, fitness, and lifestyle. She is a tech junkie and divides her time between travel and writing. You lot tin discover her on Twitter: @meetalycia

Frequency and duration of y'all falling ill during the winter season. All these infusions are not only good for you and medicinally effective, simply they are a treat for your gustatory modality buds as well!


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