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Places to Sell My African Arts Quicklyfor Cash in Memphis

Places to Sell Art Online

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Best Places To Sell Art Online

More and more people are purchasing artwork online. Artists detect new platforms specializing in selling art every yr, similar print-on-demand sites, social media, and online galleries.

  • Yous oft ask yourself, "Where can I sell my artwork?"
  • Do you ofttimes wonder how I tin make money with my creative skills online?
  • Do you lot find yourself searching for what kind of fine art sells best ?

Before the cyberspace came along, artists had to rely on selling fine art at local galleries and local craft fairs. Those days accept come up and gone. Today you as an artist are in the driver's seat, and yous are in total control of your destination.

Selling art and ownership artwork online, whether it is fine art, pencil drawings, prints, wall art, or prints on trade, is now the norm.

With so many websites to sell art, deciding what the best websites to sell your artwork on can feel overwhelming.

If you find information technology difficult to make up one's mind where to start, don't worry. We have you covered. Nosotros have come up with a listing of the best platforms for you lot to sell your paintings online and build a following of potential collectors searching for work just like yours.

Finding The Best Place To Sell Art

Equally an artist, one of the biggest challenges you may face is finding the right platform to sell your work. With so many different options available, it can be difficult to determine which avenue will give you the best visibility and ultimately help you to generate sales.

Some factors to consider include pricing, exposure options, and user experience.

For example, many artists choose platforms like Etsy or ArtFire for lower-cost options. These sites typically have a more limited pick than platforms like eBay or Amazon but are a skilful selection for those just starting or looking for more than targeted exposure.

On the other manus, larger marketplaces like Amazon mostly offering more flexibility in pricing and other features.

Additionally, they typically have wider audiences and therefore provide a great opportunity for generating interest in your work.

Ultimately, choosing the right platform depends on your private needs and preferences as an artist.

Notwithstanding, by considering important factors similar those mentioned above, you can finally observe a place to showcase and sell your art with conviction.

15 All-time Art Selling Websites

Below are some of the most pop platforms thousands of artists use to sell art. Online marketplaces have skyrocketed over the past five years, making it say for creates who want to sell products to people worldwide.

The important thing to remember is that an online art gallery does non sell fine art. Artists sell art. The online market place you choose to showcase your fine art is a storefront. You will have to learn how to get your work in front end of people interested in your artistic style to sell your creations.

Here is a list of popular art marketplaces artists sell products on. After the listing, nosotros talk well-nigh marketing your business online to start selling to people worldwide.

  • Abstruse Art Gallery –  If y'all are an abstract creative person, this volition be a site that you lot will want to look into.

In 2015 they went global connecting art collectors with abstract artists. In November 2017, Daniel purchased Abstract Art Gallery, a subsidiary of Rustad Group Innovations.

Your art volition be judged, and if accustomed, you volition receive access to your artist'due south account.

Yous can upload images of your artwork with descriptions and create a bio so collectors tin learn more about you lot on your account.

When a slice sells, you lot ship the product to the buyer, and you volition receive 70% of the selling cost if the buyer is satisfied with the artwork.

  • Aftcra – Aftcra is an online market place similar to Etsy only focuses on American handmade art and crafts. Its mission is to back up American artists past connecting them with buyers worldwide.

Setting up a storefront is free, and products will be live for six months. You volition pay Aftcra 7% on all sales, which is a very reasonable charge per unit for artists in the U.S to sell artwork online.

Aftcra is besides a dandy place for crafters to sell handmade products, including article of clothing, dolls, stuffed animals, candles, furniture, jewelry, and handcrafted items.

  • ArtBoost – Art Boost is an online gallery that lets artists showcase, promote and sell art to art collectors globally but is dissimilar from most online art e-commerce platforms. The main difference is that they permit personal contact between customers and artists and are both a sales outlet and an online art portfolio. Create an online gallery and hands share your creative journey and message on Artboost.

Sales are secure through PayPal. Fine art Boost takes 15% of the sale price.

  • ArtFinder – is a juried site that showcases original art, prints, and photography. They take a large community of over 500,000 art collectors and growing and have over x,000 artists from over 100 countries selling fine art to fine art enthusiasts worldwide. Artfinder's mission is to go far like shooting fish in a barrel for people to buy art with no pretense and no pomp, just great art.

Easily build a store for free with performance stats and insights to help make ameliorate marketing decisions. Artists pay 30% on artwork sales.

  • – is an online gallery and print-on-demand platform for artists. makes a 25% commission on original art sales, and artists have the option to sell reproductions of their work using's print-on-demand services and determine on the markup on the products.

In merely iii easy steps, you can sell your products on Creative

  • Register equally Creative person or Gallery.
  • Upload your images and descriptions of art.
  • Choose which products to sell.
  • Shopify – is an due east-commerce platform for online stores.

Shopify makes selling and marketing products like shooting fish in a barrel for in-person and online sales. Marketing your art concern is easy with Shopify's born marketing tools that will aid you lot create effective marketing plans and analyze the result.

A single dashboard allows y'all to manage orders, shipping information, and payments.

  • eBay – eBay is a place where you lot can auction or sell your artwork at a flat charge per unit and annihilation else yous might want to sell online. Artists with a specific niche have washed very well on eBay. Transaction and list fees employ. The fees associated with auctioning goods on eBay take increased over the years, so be sure to bank check the hidden costs earlier creating an auction and see if it will be profitable.
  • Etsy –  Etsy is an fine art marketplace created for artists and crafters to sell their original creations to people worldwide. Etsy has a large community that supports and helps artists learn how to sell their art. Setting up a shop is gratis, just transaction and listing fees apply.

To learn more most selling on Etsy, visit:

  • How To Open an Etsy Store Step by Step
  • How To Sell Digital Downloads On Etsy
  • How To Sell Fine art On Etsy – Complete Guide
  • How To Sell Art Prints On Etsy With Printful
  • 22 Creative Things To Sell On Etsy
  • FineArtAmerica – Fine Fine art America started as a Print on Demand site specializing in high-quality art prints. They now allow artists to sell fine art online and sell prints on high-quality art paper, canvas, and merchandise similar mugs, iPhone cases, and more than.

Art America was launched in 2006 and has become one of the nearly trusted impress-on-demand companies for artists, illustrators, designers, and photographers. They are proud to say that they have shipped over 5 meg products by hundreds of thousands of contained artists worldwide.

Customers are happy with the fast-processing times due to their sixteen manufacturing centers located in five countries.

How To Get Started Selling On Fine Art America

  • GalleryToday – Gallery Today is a juried site that connects buyers with artists to sell original signed fine art internationally. They get higher up and beyond, guaranteeing every painting volition get in in perfect condition. Artists receive 70% of the auction.
  • GlobalArtExchange – Global Art Exchange allows an artist to list and sell original paintings online. Listings are free, and artists will receive 80% of the sale.
  • HandmadeArtists – Handmade Artist is a site that has a very active community and allows artists to sell their art or crafts online. They provide a shopping cart and a low monthly fee of $5.00. No commissions are taken from the sale.
  • Storenvy – Storenvy is an online marketplace where emerging artists can launch an online store in just a few minutes. Storenvy is popular amidst visual artists, musicians, jewelry designers, and furniture makers. Signing up is free, and two options are available for selling products. You can list your artwork in a marketplace and go access to thousands of shoppers or build a professional person online e-commerce store like to Shopify.
  • Society6 – Society6 is a popular impress-on-demand service artists and photographers trust. Information technology is easy to upload digital images of your artwork and sell everything from fine art prints to mugs. Artists and photographers retain all of their artwork and photographs' rights, and Society6 fulfills the orders and ships them direct to the buyer.
  • SaatchiArt – SaatchiArt is a pop site for artists that allows artists to sell their original art and prints.

The online fine art galleries listed above are some of the best sites to sell art, just it takes more than just uploading an image on Etsy to land a sale.

Here is one more platform to expect into:

Art2Arts – Online art gallery and abode or original art, run by artists for artists. They bring together art lovers and artists from the Britain to share their talents and bring beautiful art into people's lives. A customs of more than 800 established and emerging artists offering over 10,000 original artworks. Artists become part of a small, unique community of people with a shared passion for art and are supported in selling their artwork. Artists 35% committee on artwork sales.

Deciding On What Websites To Sell Art On

Before diving into the sites listed above, you volition want to know your objectives for starting an art business.

  • Why do you desire to sell art online ?
  • What medium do you use to create your art?
  • Are you going to sell express edition prints ?
  • Are yous going to sell your designs on trade ?
  • How much money do you need to generate in a yr?

After you take your goals documented, y'all will want to become more than familiar with the 15 sites listed.

Write downward several different platforms that interest yous and might work well for your unique objectives.

The next pace is to visit the different places on your list.

Read all of the terms and atmospheric condition, as well equally the fees.

Write a detailed list of each site you visit.

This might sound daunting, just it will be well worth the time invested.

The sites highlighted in this post focus on selling original artwork; however, some sites also provide a Print on Demand service that will allow you to sell prints online.

Now that you have your goals documented and take decided on a selling platform to showcase your piece of work, you are set to sell your creations online.

Thousands of people search online for home decor, wall decor, original paintings, limited edition prints, and merchandise with unique designs every 24-hour interval.

That is why there are thousands of artists trying to brand a name for themselves online.

But how can you sell your art online with so much competition on Fine Fine art America, Saatchi Art, social media platforms, and other impress-on-demand sites?

If you want to sell anything online, y'all need traffic. It does not thing if you are on Saatchi Art, Art America, Shopify, or own a website. If you lot want to sell your work, you need to drive a large amount of traffic to your listings, and below, we will talk nigh the best strategies to use for driving traffic and edifice proper name recognition to sell your art online.

How To Make Money Selling Art Online

Once you have decided on what platform you will showcase and sell your art on, you must learn how to upload your images and art descriptions.

High-Quality Images

Uploading images on e-commerce platforms is as easy as uploading an paradigm on Facebook. The just difference is that there might be an image size requirement.

Prototype editing tools like Photoshop and Canva will allow you to resize images if needed.

The deviation between selling fine art at local fine art fairs and in an art market is that people can view the work in person at art fairs. For artists to sell their artwork online, they must rely on the image's quality. The quality of your images will significantly affect your sales and render business.

Nothing will discourage people from making a purchase other than a blurry epitome.

Well Written Art Descriptions

Equally an artist, you must exist able to finer and accurately describe the qualities of your work. This is specially truthful when trying to sell your art online or in a gallery setting.

Writing well-written fine art descriptions helps ensure that you put your best foot frontward every bit an artist and effectively communicate the essence of your work to potential buyers.

Not only does this assist build your reputation every bit an artist, but it also increases the likelihood that your pieces will be purchased by those who truly appreciate them.

Furthermore, a well-written clarification can be a useful tool for enhancing viewers' understanding of and experience with your artwork, helping to engage their senses and boost their appreciation for your unique creative vision.

In short, writing well-written art descriptions is essential for any successful artist.

There are many professional artists selling paintings on online fine art marketplaces. The ones that are making a profit in the art world are the ones who are dedicating time to digital marketing.

Later yous take your listings up and well-written fine art descriptions, you demand to promote, promote, and promote.

The real work begins subsequently yous accept your artwork listed for auction.

The artists yous encounter all over social media and search results have spent many hours learning how to market their business.

How To Drive Traffic To Your Own Websites

As an artist, one of the nearly important things yous can practise is make sure that your work is seen by as many people as possible.

A great way to practise this is to take your own website where yous tin can showcase your fine art and reach a global audience.

Withal, merely having a website is not enough. You besides need to discover ways to bulldoze traffic to your site then that people can see your piece of work.

There are many ways to optimize your site for search engines, employ social media to promote your work and use online advertising.

By taking the time to drive traffic to your website, you can ensure that your work will be seen by the widest possible audience.

Here are the best ways to get people to notice your work:


Creative person Blogs are ane of the best ways to generate traffic to your artwork and build trust with your audience.

Related Mail service – 6 Blogging Benefits Artists Shouldn't Ignore

To sell fine art online, you will have to be seen as an say-so in your niche.

The more blog posts yous publish, the more people and search engines like Google will come across you as an authority.

In time, Google will start to rank your online gallery higher, which will brand it easier for people to discover you lot when they search for paintings, drawings, prints, and home decor online.

Blogging For Artists Resources

Information technology takes time for websites and blogs to generate traffic, but blog posts will generate more than traffic than all social media platforms combined, including Pinterest.

Hither are some blogging articles to aid you speed up the process.

  • Art Blogging For Beginners
  • What Is Corking Content
  • ix Effective Tips On How To Sell Your Art Blogging
  • 8 Effective Blogging Strategies For Art Blogs
  • 7 Must Read Blogging Tips For New Art Bloggers
  • Evaluate Your Last Years' Blogging Efforts
  • 5 Blogging Mistakes Artists Must Avert
  • How To Be A Successful Blogger
  • 7 Tips To More Productive Blogging
  • 110 Fine art Blogging Ideas
  • vi Blogging Benefits Artists Shouldn't Ignore
  • Blogging Tip That Works Larn Your Writers Vocalism
  • Blogging Made Easy Abound Your Business
  • How To Write Listing Posts That Generate Traffic
  • Why Consistent Blogging Drives More than Traffic To Your Artist Blog

The next step is to share all of your new artwork, artwork sold, events, and blog posts on social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Social media is a nifty tool to aid you build a following, build relationships with potential buyers and increase sales.

However, information technology's important to approach social media marketing correctly.

The first step is to create a strong online presence by building a website and/or weblog and populating them with high-quality content that volition showcase your work in the best light.

Once you have an established online presence, you tin can use social media to share your work with a wider audition.

Information technology's important to be active on social media and be strategic well-nigh it. Posting besides frequently can be overwhelming for followers, and posting infrequently can make information technology difficult to build a following.

Instead, focus on sharing quality content that will engage your audience and help you lot build a potent social media presence. Y'all can use social media to market your fine art effectively and reaching a whole new grouping of potential buyers with a little effort.

Enhance Your Artistic Skills

I of the nigh important things for artists who want to have an art career and increase online sales is continuously enhancing their skills.

Engineering, new developments, and simply fourth dimension passing can quickly make an artist'due south skills outdated. An creative person'south portfolio should reflect their current skill level and so that when they are submitting it for review, they are getting an authentic picture of where they stand up in relation to other artists.

There are many ways to heighten skills, including taking classes, practicing, and studying the works of other artists.

Also, exhibiting artwork and getting feedback from fellow artists and/or professionals in the field can give insights on how to improve. A review of an artist's goals periodically can aid them refocus their efforts on the areas that demand improvement.

Lastly, by being active in the art community, whether online or offline, artists can stay current with what is happening in the world of art and be ready to apply those changes to their work.

Selling art is a business, and if you desire to increase online sales, you have to continue to learn about selling fine art marketing strategies and raise your skills.

Should You Build An Artist Website

You should learn nearly digital marketing earlier having an artist website built for you or creating a WordPress site.

You will benefit more than from building brand awareness and an online presence than yous would be from learning how to build an online gallery.

The sites listed higher up make information technology easy for you to take your work bachelor for purchase in minutes.

After you have built a following and are familiar with online marketing, y'all will want to consider building an artist website that you lot own strongly.

Any artist who wants to build a sustainable career should have a website.

A website is essential for promoting your piece of work, connecting with fans and collectors, and maintaining a professional person epitome. The sooner y'all create a website, the meliorate. If yous await likewise long, you risk falling behind your competition. Moreover, edifice a website is not every bit difficult or expensive as you lot might think. Various drag-and-drop site builders brand information technology easy to create a loftier-quality website without any prior experience.

Should You lot Sell Artwork On Third Party Websites

What Is A Tertiary Party Website?

A third-party website is a website that is owned by someone else.

Etsy, for example, is a third-party website. The website allows artists to listing items for sale that they accept created. The creative person will pay list fees and selling fees to the site owner. In this example, Etsy will collect the fees.

All third-political party websites have unique fees and terms and conditions.

Before jumping in, you lot should get familiar with the fees and the terms and conditions.

Some sites accept a set fee per month, while others take a percentage of each sale.

Y'all will then be able to determine if a specific site will work for you lot.

In simple terms, a third-party website is like an apartment. You lot will be at the mercy of your landlord.

Sell Fine art On Third Party Websites Pros

There are many benefits of using third political party websites for artists just kickoff to sell their artwork or veterans.

  • Most 3rd Political party Websites are very like shooting fish in a barrel to get started. (Read the terms and weather before joining.)
  • Uploading artwork is effortless.
  • Some sites let y'all to have a storefront to brand your business
  • You do non need to know how to build a website
  • Sell prints of your work
  • Sell prints on merchandise
  • They will help you lot market your items
  • They offer a shopping cart
  • Ideal for someone just starting out

Sell Art On 3rd Party Websites Cons

With every positive, there volition be negatives. You volition want to weigh out the pros and cons before deciding if you will be using a third party website.

Here are some cons you will want to know almost before jumping into a tertiary party website.

  • You do non own the site
  • Express branding functions
  • Overcrowded with artists making it difficult to stand up out
  • Selling and listing fees
  • You cannot collect buyer's contact information
  • Some sites accuse monthly fees

Who Should Sell Art On Third Party Websites

Third-party websites are a smashing place to first if you are merely starting to sell your artwork or handmade crafts online.

They are relatively piece of cake to upload images of your art, then you can start selling your creations immediately.

While yous are becoming familiar with the platform y'all are selling on, you lot will want to learn everything about marketing, promoting, and building your online presence.

Proceed in mind that it does not affair what platform you are using if people do non know your art exists, you will non sell anything.

Deciding what platform you volition exist using to showcase your piece of work is only the commencement step.

Becoming an expert at marketing your art volition separate y'all from the other artists selling art online.

Related Postal service:Sell Art Online Startup Programme

Email Marketing For Artists

Email marketing is a powerful marketing strategy for artists who sell online. It is easier to sell to buyers who signed up for your newsletters because those are the people who are interested in your work.

Selling reproductions on impress-on-demand companies like Fine Art America makes it impossible to collect emails from buyers who buy your prints considering they fulfill the orders.

Owning a WordPress website will eliminate the center man, and yous tin can apply signup tools to collect buyer's emails.

Read these posts to larn how to collect emails from your buyers then y'all can increment your sales quicker.

  • How To Avoid The Meridian Email Errors Made Past Artists
  • How To Outset Your E-mail List Today Then Y'all Tin can Sell More Art
  • Sell More than Art By Growing Your Email List
  • How To Build An Email List From Scratch
  • Ultimate Email Marketing Guide For Selling Art
  • Best Email Opt-in Plugins For Artists WordPress Websites
  • Email List Building Basics Artists Must Know
  • 7 E-mail Contact List Benefits For Artists

Pinterest Marketing For Artists

Whether you lot own a website or are showcasing your work on platforms like Shopify, ArtPal, or Fine Fine art America, it takes time to be seen as an authority by search engines similar Google and Bing. Blogging will produce complimentary traffic to your site, but it takes fourth dimension to index a mail.

Uploading your work and weblog posts on Pinterest will help get the brawl rolling while you are waiting to be indexed by search engines. Millions of people are looking at photography and artwork on Pinterest. Even fine art galleries use Pinterest to assist their artists see collectors worldwide.

  • How To Create A Pinterest Business Business relationship Footstep By Step
  • How To Enable Rich Pins On Pinterest
  • Pinterest Marketing Series For Crafters And Artists
  • How To Maximize Pinterest Opportunities To Sell Your Fine art
  • 4 Pinterest Tools To SkyRocket Your Pinterest Traffic
  • vii Pinterest Business organization Tips For Artists Selling Online
  • How To Pin On Pinterest With Tailwind'southward Smart Schedule
  • Understanding Tailwind Analytics
  • How To Start Selling Art On Pinterest
  • What You Should Pin To Your Creative person Pinterest Boards
  • Pinterest Lath Tips That Volition Attract Your Target Audience
  • How To Create A Pinterest Profile For Your Art Concern
  • How To Start A Pinterest Strategy For Artists
  • Increase Your Art Blog Traffic With Simple Pinterest SEO
  • How To Apply Pinterest To Bulldoze Massive Fine art Web log Traffic
  • How To Create Pinterest Images With Canva
  • How To Hibernate Pinterest Images In Web log Posts With Social Warfare
  • 7 Pinterest Strategies That Increased My Traffic
  • 15 Pinterest Business Tips For Artists That Work
  • Why Artists Should Create A Business Account
  • 6 Easy Pinterest Tips That Drive Traffic

Sell Your Paintings Online Gratuitous

We are often asked how to sell fine art online for free.

Unfortunately, everything comes at a toll.

Selling prints on a impress-on-demand service might have no upfront costs but modest profit margins.

Selling art online on tertiary-party online galleries might not but have a high membership fee, but you will have to pay a per centum of your sales.

WordPress might exist costless, but y'all will have to purchase hosting and a domain proper noun.

We do have some expert news.

Promoting your art online can exist gratis. The merely cost will be your time.

Promote your fine art past writing blog posts, sharing your art and blog posts on social media networks, and pin your art and web log posts on Pinterest.

Put your artwork in front of people every day. The creative person who spends time promoting their workdays volition exist the creative person who lands a sale. There are thousands of artwork beingness shown on the marketplace every day, but the work that is seen is the work that has been promoted.

Concluding Thoughts On Places To Sell Fine art Online

Cheers to all the available online tools, artists, photographers, and crafters earn an income. An artist no longer needs to rely on galleries to represent their piece of work.

Artists tin upload their photographs on WordPress, Shopify, ArtPal, and Fine Fine art America and promote their work via blogging and sharing on social media platforms. It does have more than piece of work to create an constructive art marketing programme, but y'all can remove the middleman and continue the profits generated from the sales.

It does have time to get a following, but y'all can build a successful fine art business with decision and hard work.

There are so many fine art buyers searching for art similar yours online. All you lot have to exercise to start selling art online is decide on a platform to showcase your work and promote it on the digital marketing tools we highlighted.

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